I met Colin last year when we were studying at Tung Ling bible school. During our school's tea break, I sat beside him and asked him why he decided to come to Singapore to study. Turns out that he had a purpose in mind - to propose to Bernadine! Fast forward to a few months later, it was their turn to wed!

It was a wedding that was family-oriented and God-centric. Everything about that day pointed back to Jesus and it was beautiful.

I love how they incorporated Feet Washing Ceremony. I was excited when I knew about it because it is powerful and humbling.
There are many ‘practices’ that symbolise a union, for example, lighting unity candles, pouring sand in a jar, placing the last piece of the puzzle together but they felt that these practices weren’t them.
Feet washing is not common in Singapore and people will be curious as to why they chose it. It is a symbolism of honour, humility and your commitment to serve one another; just like what Jesus did in John 13.
My Top 20 Photos
We started the day at their church and took some photos of Bernadine's parents praying over her life. I love the solo pic of her as it radiated her peace and gentle spirit before the wedding.
I also brought Colin's parents aside and asked them to pray over his life. Before the dad prayed, he said, "you know, I'm always proud of you.". Wow, his statement was refreshing to my ears as affirmation like this is hard to come by because Asians are usually conservative.
Haha, guess this is more than 20 photos.
There are so many things I love about their wedding. I loved how they broadcasted their ceremony on Facebook Live so Colin's friends and family in the States could be a part of their wedding. I loved how after the feet washing they took time to pray together as one. I love how they both thank their parents and after the church ceremony, they even took time to mingle with their guests.
Here's a photo montage of their wedding with Bethel's, 'Here I Bow'. I chose this song because this was sang during their feet washing ceremony.
So here I bow to lift You high Jesus be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours
Thank you Colin and Bernadine for having me once again!
Church Location: Potong Pasir Brethren Church